April 25 - Presentation and concert of the two-volume collection of Gurian songs

#Folk Songs -- 2024/04/23

Presentation and concert of the two-volume collection of Gurian songs will be held at the Folklore Centre Hall at 19:30, April 25. The Berdzenishvilis` versions of Gurian songs will be performed  by the ensembles “Basiani”, “Adilei”, “Didgori” and “National choir”. To attend the event, please fill in the application below :https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSgVkj2bmr30OvCcPifUP8tYNEkaR5djdmHFO3g3HeAMdBJA/viewform. The number of places is limited. The first 30 applicants will be able to attend the event.

Author :

Teona Benashvili - Master of Church Musicology, Giorgi Mtatsmindeli University of chant

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